Anxiety Girl

If I were a superhero, I hate to say it – but it might be Anxiety Girl. I’d much rather be Wonder Woman, but there aren’t that many options for me. Thankfully, my tendency to be Anxiety Girl has improved a lot over the years. But, as is the case with many of my issues, I am a work in progress.

Experiencing occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. However, people who suffer from excessive anxiety or anxiety disorders frequently have intense, frequent and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. Anxiety disorders in the U.S. are the number one mental health problem among women and are second to only alcohol and drug abuse among men. Chances are that you or someone you are close to struggles with anxiety. Interestingly enough, all four of our grown kids have regular struggles with anxiety. “You’re welcome” kids for putting this out there. And my husband who appears to be the most laid-back dude around has anxiety attacks from time to time and it’s not pretty.

In his book, Anxious for Nothing, Max Lucado describes anxiety as a low-grade fear. An edginess, a dread. A cold wind that won’t stop howling. He says anxiety is a meteor shower of what-ifs.

Philippians 4:6-9 tell us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

I have only had a full-on anxiety attack one time complete with breathing in a paper bag. This was brought on by feelings of fear and worry related to the end of my first marriage. It was terrifying. Outside of that, I’ve certainly experienced a fair amount of generalized anxiety from time to time during my life. I’ve been anxious about what-ifs such as terrorist attacks, losing my job, my kids having a wreck, and just about everything else at some point.  I’ve even been anxious about being anxious because Christians are supposed to be “anxious for nothing”, right? In his book, Max Lucado points out that anxiety is not a sin: it is an emotion. However, anxiety can lead to sinful behavior. If we don’t watch ourselves, we may try to deal with it by drinking too much, drugs, anger, or food binges.

Our instructions continue by telling us what to focus on.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. Whatever you have learned and received or heard from me – or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you”.

If you struggle with anxiety, intentional stress management practices can be helpful. These practices include deep breathing, prayer, meditation, yoga, exercise and taking time for yourself. I will tell you that, personally, yoga changed my life. I have been into fitness for many years. I used to think yoga was for sissies and didn’t really understand it. It took me some time but the stretching, breathing and mindfulness really bring me relief, comfort and slow my mind down (if even for a short period of time). Exercising doing cardio or weight training also helps me to release some of my pent-up stress and anxiety.

As I said before, I am strong believer that counseling can be helpful and that there is no shame in seeking some outside assistance. I have participated in counseling to deal with several difficult circumstances in my life. It made a huge positive impact! 

If someone you love struggles with chronic anxiety, you can help by noticing, caring, and being available to help. This could involve picking up their kids, providing a meal, or lending a caring ear. A little kindness and compassion will go a long way to help them through.

As Christians, we also have God’s promises that He will take care of us, love us and protect us. We realize that He is in control of all things. And we know that He is working things together for the good of those who love Him. I still experience times of anxiety, but I’m learning to focus more on Him and his promises and not on my fear.


Do you experience issues with anxiety in your life? What are some things that you could do to help you deal with this in a positive manner?

Who in your life struggles with anxiety? What could you do to help them?

One thought on “Anxiety Girl

  1. Thank you for sharing your journey. I have struggled with anxiety since I was a child. My husband has been a blessing with encouraging and reminding me of the word of God. Running has helped tremendously but I may try yoga! Again thanks for sharing!!

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