Making Change Happen in 2020

Wow, is it really going to be 2020? I thought we’d be riding around in space cars like on the Jetson’s by now. And I was really hoping for those meals in a pill like the Jetson’s had – my hubby would probably like that too:).

On another note, it’s that time again when most of us think about what we’d like to change in the next year and make New Year’s resolutions. We resolve to lose weight, exercise more, manage our finances better, eat healthier, read our Bible more to name a few. Have you ever made New Year’s resolutions that didn’t take? According to U.S. News & World Report, the failure rate for New Year’s resolutions is said to be about 80 percent, and most lose their resolve by mid-February. I know for sure that, many more times than not, my resolutions have failed.

So, why aren’t we better at making and keeping our resolutions? Sources cite any number of issues to explain the massive rate of failure. Everything from lack of clarity to setting expectations too high. Another source I saw said that the psychology behind the word itself is a problem. Resolution is a strong, demanding word that indicates that there is no room for failure. We are humans and some amount of failure is pretty much is inevitable.

The real problem is within our own hearts and minds. We’d all like to be better people, but no matter how hard we try, we find ourselves tripped up by our own moral failures and weaknesses. Even the Apostle Paul experienced this. He said, “I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.” Romans 7:18.

Here are some tips that may help you to make positive change in 2020!

Understand That You Can’t. But God Can.

We tend to try to successfully make changes based on our own willpower. Seeking to make those changes in our own power generally doesn’t work and also dishonors God. The best strategy for keeping our resolutions rests in total dependence on God.

Zechariah 4:6 says, “…Not by might or power, but by my Spirit.”

Philippians 4:13 tells us, “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”

This means that we must depend on His strength continuously in order to do all things, including keeping our resolutions.  

Connect with God and Others

It can be extremely helpful to include God and a few close friends in identifying changes you would like to make in the New Year. And then involve God and your friends in keeping your accountable for those changes.

Make Small Changes

In my opinion, a key to long-lasting success is to develop new positive habits that replace the behaviors we want to change. One reason why we often fail is that we try to take on a big change at one time (i.e., change our entire diet, run a marathon). People resist extreme change and, if something changes too rapidly, it’s threatening and we go back to what we are comfortable with.

If you goal is to eat better, rather than trying to go full force into a diet plan, pick small things you can change that can then build into the larger change over time. Use SMART format to formulate your bigger goals as well as the smaller things you will work on towards that end. This means that your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound.

In 2020, I am going to focus on working on a small thing each week. For some, it may be multiple weeks working on the same thing. But I’m going to set my intention regarding what I’m going to work on each week and document my goal. If anyone would like a tracker or some more examples, please message me and I’d be happy to send to you.

In conclusion….

The Apostle Paul experienced more than his fair share of failure during his life. During one of his stints in prison, he showed his unwillingness to give up.

“Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” Philippians 3:13-14

Paul stopped looking back and looked forward instead. He didn’t let the fear of failure keep him from continuing to try and press forward. We can reflect on this during times when we feel like giving up on the changes we are seeking to make.


Identify what you’d like to change in 2020 with the help of God and some close friends. Then, ask yourself what small steps could I take that would help me work toward the larger goal?  With setting small goals and having God’s support along the way, you can eventually make big changes!