In last week’s blog, I talked about how our thoughts can ruin our lives. As mentioned last week, a stronghold is a mindset. We aren’t born with strongholds, rather we develop them through our life events and experiences and through Satan’s deceitful guidance. For example, maybe a close friend or family member deeply betrayed your trust and hurt you. The enemy then whispers that you cannot trust anyone and that you are on your own. You develop trust issues which then result in an unwillingness to trust God’s promises in your life. I personally had several life experiences that made me feel that I wasn’t good enough and worthy of God’s love. Frequently, we aren’t even aware that we have these strongholds. So, where do these mindsets come from?
- Ourselves: Proverbs 23:7 says, “for as he thinks in his heart so is he.” In other words, whatever we personally believe about ourselves, we become.
- Others: Life events and environments can greatly affect what we believe about ourselves.
- Satan: The enemy will use our life experiences and relationships against us and speak lies into our mind.
Satan tempts and troubles us by putting ideas and thoughts in our minds, preying on our struggles and past hurts. Recognize and reject his lies and replace them with God’s truth (look for passages to support His truth). I know my thoughts are often coming from a place of not feeling like I’m good enough so I’m constantly struggling with thoughts based on that narrative.
What can you do to improve your thoughts and overcome your strongholds? Identify the ungodly thought or stronghold and try to redirect yourself. I say, “get away Satan” and ask God for the strength to help me overcome and redirect my thoughts. Helpful tip – you may want to say “get away Satan” to yourself.
In Romans 7:19, 24, Paul says “For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do- this I keep on doing. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?”
The struggle is real! However, you can begin to take charge of your thought life so that you can live the life that God wants you to lead – which doesn’t include unhealthy thoughts plaguing you and dragging you down!