Give Yourself a Break!

Are you often your own worst critic?
Do you beat yourself up when you make mistakes?
Do you have that voice inside you that tells you that you aren’t good enough?
Do you feel that you have fallen short in terms of worldly success?
Do you dwell on things that we have done in the past and have trouble moving past them?
Do you get irritated yourself when you sin or aren’t successful in making changes?

All of the above for me at one time or another in my life. Think about the following:

  • We are human and we are going to make mistakes. Mistakes don’t make us less worthy or dumb. They are actually learning opportunities.
  • God accepts us – faults and all. Who are we to judge otherwise?
  • The world view of success isn’t what we should be striving for, it’s an eternal life with God.
  • God has forgiven us for our sins so we should forgive ourselves. We are weak in ourselves but, in Him, we are strong.

Self-compassion allows us to access a safe space of love and belonging in the midst of our imperfection because it is sourced in a love beyond ourselves, God’s ever-present love for us. (Self-Compassion by Kristin Neff). Self-compassion allows us to embrace the fact that we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). Self-criticism and hatred do not honor the good work that He did when He created each of us.

So, be gentle with yourself and treat yourself with the kindness that you would extend to a friend or family member. Send healing love to yourself, stay calm, and give yourself grace for the moment. Remember that we have a good Lord who loves, accepts, and has forgiven us! We should do the same for ourselves.