Ditch the Resolutions and Create an Intention for the Year

As we move into a new year, many people view it as a clean slate and a chance to set resolutions to make major life changes. I don’t know about you, but I haven’t really seen that work for me or others in my life. I will spare you the statistics, but the success rate of resolutions is extremely low, and most people have abandoned them by the end of February.

Over the last few years, I have skipped the resolutions and focused on setting an intention for the year. So, what does this mean? At its core, it is deciding how you want to feel and how you are going to live in a way that creates that feeling. It can be helpful to take stock of 2021 and then start thinking about 2022. What do you want out of this year? Is there a word or phrase that encompasses how you’d like to feel? For me, there is no question that my intention for the year is PEACE. Peace is defined in different ways but definitions I like are as follows: a state of tranquility or quiet; freedom from disturbing or oppressive thoughts or emotions; harmony in personal relations.

In 2022, I want to live an unbullshitafied life (probably not appropriate for a Christian blog, but I’m not your typical Christian blogger). And also, not really a word but you get the idea! I want to avoid any unnecessary drama. I want to declutter, live simply, set boundaries, let go, disconnect, and be grateful for what I have. That’s kind of a tall order. Particularly since I may begin the year with my stepdaughter, husband, grandbaby, 3 dogs, and a cat moving in for a little while. And we have two weddings taking place in 2022. But I am going to try my best to let this word serve as an anchor point throughout the year and prioritize accordingly.

What will be your intention for 2022?