5 Ways to Edge Out Envy

A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.

Proverbs 14:30

Does the green-eyed monster of envy ever enter into your life? We all have a tendency to compare ourselves to others and, oftentimes, envy is the result. We want what others have. We desire to look like them. We desire to live like them. We desire to be like them. But when we look at another and ache for their life, we fail to appreciate our own. It robs us of our joy. It steals our peace of mind and causes bitterness in our hearts. So, let’s learn more about it and 5 strategies that we can use for overcoming envy.


As you see in Proverbs 14:30, envy rots our bones. I like my bones the way they are, thank you! Let’s look at a few prime examples from the Bible.

  • Cain and Able – The Lord looked more favorably on Abel’s offering than on Cain’s. Cain became envious and killed Abel.
  • Joseph – He was his father’s favorite and, as a result, his father gave him a coat of many colors which ticked off his brothers. Then, Joseph shared a dream that basically said he would rule over them someday. Now, there were really mad and envious! As a result, they threw him in a pit and sold him into slavery.

One of the Ten Commandments says,

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

Exodus 20:17

This commandment relates to envy, as we are instructed not to desire the possessions or attributes of others. The list here may not include things that are commonly coveted today. As far as I am concerned, others can keep their oxen or donkeys, but there is an extensive list of other things we are often envious of – material possessions, worldly success, fame, appearance to name a few. I would kind of like to have a donkey like the one in Shrek though…


  1. Stop comparing
    I know – easier said than done. But try to make a decision to stop and praise God for blessings that others receive and be happy for them.
  2. Remember that you don’t know what others are struggling with
    While someone else’s life may seem great to us, we do not know the struggles they may be facing.
  3. Self-reflect to understand why you are feeling envious
    If you can get to the root of WHY you are feeling envious, you can take some steps to overcome it.
  4. Live your life
    We are all blessed with gifts and abilities to use in the world. God made you you for a reason so try to live each day being the best version of yourself you can be.
  5. Trust God
    God knows what is best for you. God may be protecting you from heartache and frustrations by not allowing you to have something you want. Trust the plan He has for your life.


What will you do to overcome envy in your life?