Dogs are awesome. God made dogs for us as companions and helpers – and to give us pleasure and happiness. Dogs can also provide us with some lessons on how to better Christians. And DOG is also GOD spelled backwards. Maybe there’s a reason for […]
The Secret to Parenting
Have you ever wanted to find out the secret to parenting? I sure wish I knew it. I’d slap a patent on it for sure. We are always looking for a silver bullet, aren’t we? Most times there isn’t one. So what about parenting? What […]
Disheartening Discouragement
Do you have things in your life that are resulting in feelings of discouragement? Do you sometimes feel like you should throw in the towel? I think we have all felt drained and alone at one time or another. I looked up the definition to […]
Worry Woman
Earlier this week, I posted that my superhero character is likely Anxiety Girl. Another option would be Worry Woman. I have certainly spent (or should I say wasted) my fair share of my life worrying about everything including finances, my children, my appearance, my job, […]
Anxiety Girl
If I were a superhero, I hate to say it – but it might be Anxiety Girl. I’d much rather be Wonder Woman, but there aren’t that many options for me. Thankfully, my tendency to be Anxiety Girl has improved a lot over the years. […]
How Do You Want to Be Remembered?
I don’t know about you but, as I get older, time seems to fly by. I love the song “Dust in the Wind” by Kansas. It’s a little depressing but true. We only have a short time on this earth and we truly are dust […]
Making Insecurity Insignificant
Do you sometimes feel insecure about who you are and where you are going in life? Insecurity is defined as a significant lack of self-confidence, a strong fear of others’ disapproval or rejection, or a chronic sense of inferiority. It involves a deep sense of […]
Wrinkles and Blemishes
“and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.” Ephesians 5:27 When my step-daughter has a zit (blemish), she calls it a “Helga”. We send each other pictures of our “Helga’s”. Kind […]
Down with the Drama!
Are you tired of dealing with drama in your life? Do you know anyone that you would classify as a drama queen? Do you sometimes create drama yourself? As I have gotten older, I have less tolerance for drama. I just want to be around […]
Breaking Through Our Busy
Have you noticed that being busy is seen as a badge of honor in our culture? And we sometimes even see it as a sign of importance. My husband and I have four kids between us, and I worked full-time outside the home. Boy, do […]