Our God-Shaped Hole

Do you ever find yourself thinking:

  • I’ll be happy if I just get that promotion…
  • I’ll be happy if I just get that new house
  • I’ll be happy if I just get married

It seems that we are always longing for something more – and when we get it, we long for something else. We have been doing some work around our house. After we get one project done, I’m still not satisfied and am ready for the next thing. We just got a pergola and some new deck furniture so we can enjoy being out on the deck more. And now I’m longing for a “she shed”. I’m sure it probably wouldn’t really make me happy, but told my husband that I think it’s worth giving it a try:)

The truth is that we will never find contentment or happiness in things, people or circumstances. We have a God-sized hole inside our hearts that only He can fill.

C. S. Lewis said, “If I find myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.” To find lasting joy and contentment, we have to shift our focus from the things of this world to Jesus and live in the light of eternity,