The Love of Jesus Permeates the Circle of Life

Long title but I am a little all over the place with this post. My step-daughter recently had a baby boy and we are visiting for the first time. I have been a little emotional and have had several different feelings during our stay. The first is definitely joy in seeing this beautiful, innocent new life that has been brought into the world. But at the same time, I am experiencing some level of sorrow because this new life has reminded me of my mother who I lost just a few weeks ago. I guess this is part of the circle of life. My mother always loved me fiercely and I feel a big gaping hole in my life right now. I know that God will help me through but it sure is hard. If you still have your mother, give her a big hug and tell her how much you love her. I wish I could tell mine.

Another feeling that I’m experiencing is wonder. Wondering I got to be old enough to be a grandmother. In some ways, it seems like just yesterday that I was a mother for the first time and, in other ways, it seems like an eternity. My children are 25 and almost 23. I have been reminded of how sweet and innocent they were when they were born. As is the case with most everyone, the world has beaten them down and likely has transformed them in some ways into people that they weren’t meant to be. I am not saying this in a bad way. In fact, I am proud of who they have become. However, earthly disappointments and experiences impact us and manifest in issues such as fear, shame, people-pleasing, comparison and guilt. I believe that God wants us to live unencumbered lives and these issues hold us back from being our best selves.

As a mother, I would have loved to protect from the world’s hardships. However, there is hope! God loves us deeply and completely, even more than our earthly parents do. And as a mother, that’s a whole lot! He can help us to overcome the negative experiences and issues that we accumulate during our lives through Him.

John 16:33 gives us great encouragement.”I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”