What Will Be Your Legacy?

I don’t know about you but, as I get older, time seems to fly by. I love the song “Dust in the Wind” by Kansas. It’s a little depressing but true. We only have a short time on this earth, and we truly are dust in the wind in the greater scheme of things. As we get older, the days of our youth become a distant memory. Our college years fade into the distance. Our children grow up and have babies of their own. We certainly become more in touch with our mortality and wonder what impact we are having on the world. It begs that question – If you left this life today, how would others remember you? What would be your legacy?

Paul’s Legacy

In 2 Timothy 4:7-8, Paul ponders the end of his life in a letter to his friend, Timothy. He made three simple statements about his legacy as follows:

  • He had fought the good fight – putting on the armor of God and fighting the good fight every day
  • He had finished the race – running his race in a focused and dedicated way; striving not for a temporary crown, but for an eternal one
  • He kept the faith – was always faithful and fulfilled his divine appointment in this world

Sounds like a pretty good legacy to me! How many of us will be able to say the same?

What is important at the end of life?

When that time comes, I don’t think most people are concerned about the possessions they have accumulated, the places they have traveled, the education they have obtained, or the career success they have experienced. I believe they are more concerned about their relationships with God and the people they love. I also believe that most people hope that they somehow made a positive impact on the world.

I hope that at the end of my life that I will be able to share Paul’s legacy. I hope that I will have used my spiritual gifts and talents for good and lived out the purpose that God had for me. In addition, I hope that I will have been a blessing in the lives of others and that my life somehow pointed others closer to Christ. I have some work to do because sometimes I think I might be more of a “lesson” than a “blessing”.



If you left this world today, how do you think you would be remembered? What would be your legacy?

If you are far away from that now, what will you do to begin down the path of creating the legacy that you want?