Declutter Your Mental Mess to Be Your Best

How are you with clutter in your home? Do you let it accumulate or are you pretty good about purging and keeping it to a minimum? What about the clutter in your mind? Is your style the same? I’m pretty good at keeping my home decluttered but not so much with my messy mind. In this post, I will share why it’s important to declutter your mental mess to be your best.

My new book, From Hot Mess to God’s Best: Decluttering Your Mess to Be Your Best, is based on the premise that, as we walk through life, we accumulate clutter. Our earthly disappointments impact who we become. We try to protect ourselves out of fear and shame and this limits our potential. We attempt to avoid rejection. We endeavor to find our worth through pleasing others and worldly success. It doesn’t take us long to amass a mountain of mess that holds us back from reaching our God-given potential.

It’s important that we work to declutter issues that we accumulate (i.e., comparison, guilt, control, fear, idolatry, disappointment).  I know this is easier said than done, but you can do this one step at a time, by identifying each stronghold or negative mindset that is holding you back and then taking action to kick it to the curb!

My book will share 12 of the most common strongholds along with stories, relevant Scripture, and practical tips for overcoming them. It will be out in early November but why wait? Do some self-exploration to see what you need to declutter and get started! Here are some questions to explore:

  • What is a constant battlefield in my life?
  • What unhealthy habit or thought pattern has a hold on me?
  • What do I constantly struggle with?

Pray about it and ask God to help illuminate your strongholds and Marie Kondo that crap!