About My New Book – From Hot Mess to God’s Best

My new book – From Hot Mess to God’s Best: Decluttering Your Mess to Be Your Best – will be published in just over four weeks. I’m excited but also nervous. You pour a lot of your blood, sweat and tears into a book and want it to be well received. Plus, I had to buy a bunch of copies from my publisher and need to sell them!

So, what is my book about? Here is a synopsis:

As we walk through life, we accumulate issues that negatively impact us and hold us back from the life that God wants for us. Our earthy disappointments and experiences impact who we become. We try to protect ourselves out of fear and shame and this limits our potential. We try to avoid rejection. We try to find our worth by pleasing others. We try to achieve success according to the world’s standards.

In my book, we will explore many of these issues which we have amassed including comparison, control, guilt, people-pleasing, fear, disappointment and more. These issues can result in strongholds which are mindsets or attitudes that negatively impact our lives. My book will help you identify and declutter these strongholds from your life. It includes humor, personal stories, Biblical information, and practical tips to help you go from hot mess to God’s best for your life!

The goal of the book is summed up in the acronym HOTMESS –






