How NOT to be a Holiday Hot Mess!

Are you feeling a bit like a holiday hot mess?
Here are some tips to help you address the mess and stay on track this holiday season.

  • Acknowledge your feelings
    If someone close to you has recently died or you can’t be with loved ones for other reasons, know that it’s normal to feel sadness and grief. And It’s okay to cry or express your feelings. You can’t force yourself to be happy just because it’s the holiday season.


  • Plan ahead
    Failure to plan ahead can certainly create some holiday stress. Make a list of the things you need to do so you won’t have to scramble at the last minute.


  • KISS
    This doesn’t mean kiss Santa or your significant other. It means Keep It Simple Stupid. You don’t have to have a Christmas tree in every room – unless this brings you joy. Or have outdoor decorations like the Griswold’s. You don’t have to go to every party or event that you are invited to. Keep things simple and learn to say no to things that don’t fit in with your priorities.


  • Don’t abandon healthy habits
    I’m sure you have noticed that there are lots of temptations around the holiday. We can easily consume greater than normal quantities of sugar, salt, and fat if we aren’t careful. It’s probably not realistic to avoid all goodies but think moderation. Maybe have one cookie instead of three. Cut your portions. Stock your fridge with healthy foods. Have a healthy snack before holiday parties to curb your appetite. Don’t totally throw your diet out the window so that you have to do major reparations in January.


  • Accept imperfection
    Sometimes we place unrealistic expectations around how to “holiday” and think we need to have that Norman Rockwell Christmas. The truth is there are no rules on how to celebrate. I’m trying to embrace the imperfect holiday with my dysfunctional family. And I’m having a Hot Mess Holiday gathering with some neighbors – aka Honey Boo Boo Christmas gathering. I have to manage expectations since I’m about as far from Martha Stewart as you can get!


  • Plan spending
    One of the leading causes of holiday stress is financial overstretch. Most people hate doing budgets but establishing a budget is a helpful strategy to ensure you don’t get yourself in financial hot water. Perhaps you have a more modest meal with your immediate family instead of hosting an elaborate dinner. Or suggest drawing names rather than buying presents for all of your relatives. Look for ways to cut costs and manage your money most expeditiously.



  • Remember the reason for the season.
    It’s not about you, your kids or even Santa Claus. Jesus is the reason for the season and should be our most important focus!