How to Fight Your Fears

Since it is Halloween, I thought it fitting to center this week’s book launch message around fear. I believe that fear is one of the greatest strongholds (mindsets or attitudes) that holds us back in our lives. Fear isn’t always bad. It alerts us to the presence of danger or harm. But Satan also uses our fear to keep us from doing things to move God’s kingdom and our lives forward. So, what’s the remedy to fight your fears? Trust in God!

I am getting ready to release my second book. And guess what, I’m scared. I’m afraid that I won’t sell many copies – and I have a crapload of copies that I had to buy from my publisher and need to sell them to break even. I also lack confidence that my MESSage will resonate with others and make a difference in their lives. But, when I think about it, I know that God has led me to write for a reason. Even if it doesn’t reach the masses, it might make a difference in a few lives which will make it worthwhile. It is the kind of book that I would want to read and that would inspire me, which is part of the reason I wrote it.

God is now leading me to take a leap of faith and start my own business. Watch out! Hot Mess International is on the horizon! Preparing for a presentation on Shark Tank. Not really, but between my “hot mess” and doing HR consulting-type work, I think I may have enough to keep me busy. As a side note, thirty years in HR would make most people a hot mess and probably contributed to mine. In regard to starting my own gig, I’m terrified. First of all, I am scared of not having a steady paycheck and benefits – and, of course, my mind jumps to possible financial ruin. Further, I am afraid of rejection and, most of all, I fear failure.

I have felt that God wanted me to leave the corporate world and venture out on my own for a while, and I ignored some pretty clear messages because I didn’t want to step out of my comfort zone. Lately, he has kept giving me experiences that further nudge me in that direction. I know that I should listen to Him and that His plan is always the best plan! However, I still keep questioning – even with getting regular little God winks over the last few weeks. I have to remind myself that God hasn’t given me a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind (that last one is sometimes for me). I just read a devotion that asked the question, “Are you living in the land of your own decisions right now or God’s direction?” I’m hoping that I can get past my fear and trust Him to guide me into what I believe is my divine destiny.

In conclusion, won’t you help me overcome my “hot mess” fear and purchase my book? Hopefully, the book will help you overcome your fear and other strongholds that are impeding your life! Go to the Store on my website and get your copy now.