Managing Your Meddling Mindsets

We live in a world where so many people feel abandoned, rejected, misunderstood, and overwhelmed. There are also many that are prideful, entitled, and judgmental. As we walk through life, I believe that we develop these types of emotions as a result of our worldly experiences and disappointments. We develop what I’m going to term as “meddling mindsets” that don’t serve us well, often in an effort to protect ourselves and avoid what we perceive to be anticipated negative consequences.

So, what are some of these “meddling mindsets”?

They can include everything from guilt to comparison to fear to pride, and everything in between. These mindsets interfere with and hold us back from the lives that God wants for us – and that He created for us to live. If you have been following my blog, this is nothing new, but it bears repetition.

  • Do any of the meddling mindsets mentioned seem like a pattern you have observed in yourself?
  • What other mindsets are holding you back?

Be honest with yourself and with God about these mindsets and the accompanying emotions. Ask for His healing and support. Ask Him to help you renew your mind. We only find security, contentment, and peace in a love relationship with Him.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2


Dear Lord, at times I feel as if my mind controls me — and not in a good way. Forgive me for letting meddling mindsets have power over how I feel, think and live. Help me to be conscious of the mindsets that are holding me back. Fill me your healing power, and help me to renew my thoughts, heart and life.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Want more information to help in overcoming “meddling mindsets”? Check out my book, From Hot Mess to God’s Best: Decluttering Your Mess to Be Your Best.