Something New

“I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun. Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in a dry wasteland.”  Isaiah 43:19

Have you ever felt called or led to do something new?

What does that feel like? I have heard some people say, “God told me” to do this or that. I sure wish He would come out and tell me to do this and not do that. It would be fabulous if He would give us a GPS that leads us in the direction of His plan for us – as I can’t even count how many times I have probably gone off course. I think that, for most of us, it isn’t that easy or clear. For me, it’s really been like a consistent tug or pull towards something that persists with time and prayer.

When it has happened to me

In this season of my life, I’ve really had this happen twice as it relates to big decisions. First, to begin my “hot mess” journey with blogging and then writing books with the intent to share my struggles to help others with theirs. More recently, to start my own HR consulting firm, InfluenceHR Consulting. Who doesn’t want a hot mess consultant? I felt a clear conviction in this direction several years back and ignored it out of fear. And no surprise – things didn’t turn out well when I followed my own path.

Why does He care if I start my own business? I have no idea but, although I’m still terrified, I have stepped out to do it. I am definitely not a risk-taker, so it is very much out of my comfort zone. I’m not very far into this journey but can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought, “I just need to get a job where I have a consistent paycheck and benefits package.” But then something holds me back from going that direction and keeps me on course.

What holds us back?

What holds us back from doing bold things that we feel God wants us to do? I think fear is probably the biggie – fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of not having or being enough (money, resources, skill, intelligence, etc.). I am in the last quarter of my career (hopefully) and have learned so much. This just goes to show you can teach an old dog new tricks! I’m rather proud of myself as I have created a website, mission, elevator pitch, marketing strategy and all the things that go along with starting a business. And I’m doing sales which is something that’s pretty scary for me because I hate to feel like I’m bothering people and despise rejection. However, I feel led to start this business so I’m going to keep going!

What are you feeling led to do?

So, what are you feeling led to do that you haven’t acted on? Here’s my best advice:

  • Pray about it.
  • Listen to your inner conviction – what I mean if a persistent nudge and peace about going in that direction.
  • Make sure whatever you’re consider lines up with God’s word.
  • Seek some counsel from Christian friends or colleagues.
  • If all that leads you in a direction, don’t let fear hold you back!